22Miles March Media

The 22Miles content management system appeared in the media spotlight in several places last month. We collected a few of our favorite mentions in this article. Check out the stories below to hear more about our award-winning CMS.

In March’s issue of AV Technology Magazine, 22Miles appeared in their Products That Matter article. With a focus on higher education, Tomer Mann mentions how classroom operations can benefit from efficient and flexible technologies, including space management software and infrastructure. Space management software makes aligning pedagogy and the physical environment much more feasible. Even more important than managing the use of spaces on campus is its ability to handle the other collaboration requirements of higher education. You can learn more on page 68 of AV Technology Magazine.

Webinar host Megan Dutta had an informative session with our very own Tomer Mann on the state of unified communications and collaboration systems. They discussed how organizations can work towards creating an effective hybrid working model. If you’d like to learn more about how unified communication and collaboration systems (UCC) are shaping the future of work life and how it can benefit business and employee relationships, check out LAVNCH Week 7’s on-demand recording.

Recently Sound & Video Contractor shared a case study about the Davidson-Davie Community College campus and their unified digital signage system. We designed it to meet multiple objectives for them. In doing so, it produced some unexpected benefits. Once the IT team deployed the 22Miles system, they found that they could easily hand the reins over to other departments to manage their own areas of expertise. Our system’s administrative controls and approval hierarchies enable everyone to manage the content they know best directly in the back end with no intermediary required. Head over to Sound & Video Contractor and read more about the project.

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