Space Utilization

Booking anywhere. insights everywhere

Simplify reservations, automate signage and event calendars, and centralize space and room management data to meet your unique needs.

office digital signage, 22miles

mobile technology

Take it To-Go

Instantly transfer any sign
content to a mobile device with
included Carry2Mobile technology.

digital signage, CMS software

Design it your way

Use the Template Center to customize
designs, corporate templates, and widgets, or modify
pre-sets to work for your organization.

corporate wayfinding

Choose your Controls

Navigate interactive content via the
display touchscreen or personal
mobile device.

corporate digital signage, workplace technology, Space & Room Management

Space Utilization

Free Spaces for Busy Schedules
Simplify and automate space reservations. Employees can access available spaces and reservations via kiosks, room signage, or mobile while administrators monitor space usage, occupancy, and sanitation needs.

Space & Room Management

Optimize Your Office for Hybrid Work
Simplify space management with seamless booking, calendar scheduling, and automated signage. Employees can reserve flexible desks, offices, or meeting spaces from anywhere they please via signage, desktop, or mobile. 22Miles’s space utilization solutions integrate with occupancy controls and sensors for data insights, RFID/badge scanning, auto check-in, and timed cancellation.

mobile wayfinding software, hotdesking, book a room

mobile wayfinding software, hotdesking, book a room, Space & Room Management

Facility Wayfinding

Navigate the New Workplace
Welcome employees and visitors to the new office with interactive 3D wayfinding. Find facility or colleague locations, including meeting rooms and hot desks. View present space availability and resources and instantly book the room you need. Carry turn-by-turn directions from sign to mobile with a simple QR code scan.

API & Tech Integrations

Automations Make the World Go Round
Ensure real-time information is gathered and aligned with communication demands for the flexible workplace. KPI dashboards with PowerBI or Tableau, room reservations from any calendar systems, and tablet solutions such as Crestron, Mimo or Iadea, and EcoPuk. A virtual receptionist to check in touchscreens with Cisco WebEx, Teams, and Zoom, plus huddle room signage through Mersive Pods and RoomOS. Cross-Publishing throughout all technology in the workplace, home, and on the go.

technology integration, microsoft,

digital signage for enterprise, cms software

Space Booking Analytics

Data insights that work for you
Get a clear view of occupancy, utilization, and visual details of your workspace. Make informed decisions with effective occupancy data insights. All built-in to the 22Miles Content Manager Lite Statistics dashboards and logs.

Limitless, Scalable Solutions for Workplace Management

Limitless, Scalable Solutions for Workplace Management

Manage any size deployment, from 50 to 50,000

Key Platform Integrations

Native integrations with Teams, 365, Exchange, or G-Suite for all applications

Personal Device Deployment

Deliver the experience on mobile via HTML, native app, or SDK plug-in

Multi-Screen Video Wall Solutions

Immersive branding with large-scale impact

No Design Expertise Required

Choose from thousands of templates, or get custom content consulting

Help When You Need It

Get support from content management experts

Find a Spot, Call Dibs

Instantly identify and book the room and resources you need

Real-Time Room Reservation Scheduling

No double-booking, ever

Know your Workforce

Access reporting and analytics for facility-wide insight

Access Control on Lock

Streamline guest check-in and offer secure, customized visitor wayfinding

True Alignment for Hybrid Teams

Reach employees on- and off-site with omni-channel comms

Deploy Your Way

Options for cloud and native deployment