Monitor Interactive ads, info buttons, modules, etc. Every single tap is recorded and can be added into a report. Have a daily, weekly, monthly outlook of your systems usage and user logs to produce a strong communication network that generates actual ROI reporting proof. Be able to manage the interactive pages that are readily used, update the pages that are hardly interacted or viewed, and be able to push engaging content that you know proves you have a value added and successful interface solution.

  • Tracks any click on any interactive component
  • Log Format: Component Name, Trigger, Target, Data (room number, event name, etc.), Event Time
  • Cloud/Enterprise Statistics Service (Additional cost)
  • Local Statistics log
  • Third-party Digital Signage Support
  • Natively supports 3rd-party digital signage software as screen saver

Here are some additional Back-End Administrative controls with the analytics application:

Kiosk Security Tool – Strong security tool for the touch screen network with password exit panels, backend daemon to monitor. It provides an administrative portal for all player applications running all the time.

Kiosk status monitoring/alert Tool (Cloud/Enterprise) – In our Directory Management tool, be able to monitor if the player is running or not. If not, the system can send email alerts and notifications to appointed email address of any end user.