University of Minnesota Health Deploys 22 Miles Digital Signage and Wayfinding to Improve Their Patient and Visitor Experience

The Client’s Challenge

University of Minnesota Health (M Health) opened their new state of the art Clinics and Surgery Center in 2015. M Health needed a flexible and capabile digital signage system to be able to serve an array of needs including dynamic directory and wayfinding  signage to help patients and vistors navigate the new center as well as provide digital communcations and messaging to 100+ dislays in various forms. M Health also needed to implement clinic overflow rules so the directory signage would reflect on the fly changes to physicians and clinic changes down to the minute. The Minnesota Masonic Children’s Hospital aslo needed some retroit signage and new signage including large event boards integrated with their EMS as well as a large 6 display “Art Wall” to thank their donors.

The Solution

M Health brought 22 Miles in to help create an inviting digital communication solution throughout their Adult and Children’s hospitals. The solution was to install an interactive wayfinding kiosk in their main lobby, digital directory displays throughout their floor’s elevator bays, columns across main hallways, and clinic directories and event and marketing announcements based media for an “infotainment” visual aesthetics experience. 22 Miles also created a unique and inviting video wall solution to thank all their donors at the UMN Children’s hospital.

The Results

After 2+ years of solid performance M Health has been able to improve their patient experience through adding an intelligent digital strategy to their overall signage initiative. 22 Miles continues to partner with M Health in providing technical support, software upgrades, hosting service, and system expansions.

About 22 Miles, Inc.

22 Miles is a global leader in wayfinding and digital signage. Their powerful software platform, Publisher Pro version 5, helps healthcare systems create and manage signage and wayfinding across devices.

22 Miles was built on innovation and provides a platform for all dynamic
digital integration

With Global deployments spreading across four continents and thousands of units deployed, 22 Miles has a demonstrated track
record of helping organizations visually reach and technically surpass their digital solution needs.

Digital Signage Software