The Challenge:
Most units of the campus signage are general-purpose lobby signs, spread out in buildings all over campus, with more than 70 of those signs dedicated to displaying room schedules and building events. The university’s on-campus digital signage department communicated that the goal of the project was to generate value, outcomes, and experiences in addition to securing, informing, and inspiring their campus audience. 22Miles equipped the university with a platform built for the future by pairing their responsive software with BrightSign display solutions supplied by Georgia Tech.

The Solution:
22Miles partnered with hardware and display provider BrightSign for the installation of more than 325 digital signs. Built to provide ease-of-use and accessibility, the 22Miles/BrightSign solution for Georgia Tech was designed to empower users with a simple content management system to manage hundreds of signs across its dynamic campus, taking the challenge out of programming and installing signage and allowing users to focus on the overarching goals of the institution. Georgia Tech’s digital signage implementation team is pleased with the straightforward system, the intuitive software that makes future signage changes seamless, and the simple application.